



The COVID-19 pandemic will undoubtedly leave its marks on our society, our habits and our attitudes. While some people believe that life will go back to normal, many others think that our lives are going to significantly change and that we’ll have to adapt to the presence of the coronavirus and many other viruses likely to appear over the years.

Adapting is a documentary that investigates the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on human behaviour. Which behaviours and habits do we need to change in the short-term? What will our society look like post-COVID? Will kisses, masks and handshakes become a thing of the past?

Through conversations with young, bright members of our society and through his own careful thought-process, Boucar Diouf takes us on a quest to discover what life will be like after the pandemic and see how we will adapt… Adapting is a light-hearted, investigative documentary about modern life.


1 x 52 minutes


Karina Marceau


ICI Radio-Canada, RDI

1 877 320-2040