Elle m'a quitté


Breakups are never easy, and they’re even more difficult when you’re the one being broken up with. In almost 80% of cases, women are those making the decision to leave, causing great suffering for the men of the relationship. The documentary Elle m’a quitté (She Left Me) explores this phenomenon and how breakups are experienced from the male point of view.

Elle m’a quitté looks at ways of reducing men’s suffering and of supporting them through this difficult time, such as how to spot the warning signs of distress, how to encourage men to seek help, and how to encourage the younger generation to talk about their feelings rather than keep things bottled up. Why do men tend to keep their pain to themselves? Why don’t they seek help? Journalist Karina Marceau and actor Stéphane Crête hope to get to the bottom of these questions by giving men a chance to speak up for themselves.


1 x 52 minutes


ICI Radio-Canada, RDI


Karina Marceau


Karina Marceau

1 877 320-2040